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Posted by : Unknown on : Wednesday, August 21, 2013 0 comments
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In love movies and fairytales, we always witness happy endings. The man marries the girl he loves and then they both live happily ever after.

In real life, there is no happy ending because the love story does not stop after getting married. Marriage marks the beginning of a new chapter in life. Being married does not guarantee happiness at all times. Difficulties can give rise to some marital problems, which can make couples feel uneven.

If you feel like standing on the edge of a cliff because, hold yourself tight. Here are some ways on how you can have a better marriage.

Team work– You cannot make your marriage happy if only one of you is putting an effort into it. Marriage is a give and take relationship. Hence, do not put the burden into your partner only. Share some romance and work out together to make your marriage better. Simple things like sharing in the household chores, splitting obligations, and partaking in other marital responsibilities matter a lot. When conflicts arise, face them together instead of blaming each other. Work hand in hand and you can build a stronger and more blissful marriage.

Self-sacrifice – To some extent you have to deny yourself of your personal wishes and selfish interests. In other words, don’t be selfish. If you have to quit your vices for your family, just do it. Cut down your extravagant shopping if you have to save on your budget and maybe you have to limit going out to club parties and make time for your family instead. You have to understand that marriage carries along with it some responsibilities that you have to fulfill “otherwise”, it can break easily.

Humility – Eliminate your pride and give way to your partner. Pride is a relationship killer, and if you nurture it, you would feel more independent and self-sufficient that you tend to forget you are married. Learn to forgive and forget. Try to listen to each other’s opinions and take turns in decision making.

Trust – Make your partner feel trusted and be loyal at the same time. Avoid spying on phone messages or hunting down your partner to watch out for third parties. Trust each other not only in terms of your promises and commitments, but also in your capabilities to make your marriage one-of-a-kind.

Love – Do not treat marriage simply as a social contract, which you have to live with. Give love selflessly and unconditionally. If your marriage is inspired by love, you would not feel sad or bored. Love spurs romance in marriage, and if you can feel it, you would know you are the luckiest person on earth.
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