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What does the Bible say about sex?

Posted by : Unknown on : Thursday, November 27, 2014 0 comments
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What does the Bible say about sex?

The Bible says that sexual activity should take place only between a man and a woman who are married to each other. (Proverbs 5:18) Therefore, a person who wants to please God should not engage in sexual activity until he or she gets married.1 Thessalonians 4:3-5.
Some say that the Bible’s view is old-fashioned and completely out of touch with our modern world. Keep in mind, though, that our modern world is plagued with divorce, unwanted pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases. Really, our modern world is in no position to dole out advice about morals!1 John 2:15-17.
When you think about it, the Bible’s moral code makes sense. To illustrate: Suppose that someone gave you a gift of $1,000 in cash. Would you throw the money from a rooftop for just anyone passing by to pick up?
You face a similar decision with regard to sex. “I don’t want to throw away my virginity on someone whose name I may not even remember years from now,” says 14-year-old Sierra. Tammy, 17, would agree. “Sex is too special a gift to waste,” she says.
The bottom line: The Bible upholds virginity and clean conduct as the standard for those who aren’t yet married.1 Corinthians 6:18; 7:8, 9.

 What do you believe?

  • Do you believe that the Bible’s view of sex is reasonable or too strict?
  • Do you believe that sex is OK if two unmarried people say that they really love each other?
After carefully weighing the matter, many young people have concluded that virginity and clean conduct are the best choice. They neither regret that decision nor feel deprived. Consider what some of them have to say:
  • “I’m glad I’m a virgin! There’s nothing wrong with avoiding the mental, physical, and emotional pain that comes along with having premarital sex.”—Emily.
  • “I’m glad I don’t have a list of failed sexual relationships, and it feels great knowing that there isn’t even the slightest chance I have an STD.”—Elaine.
  • “I’ve heard several girls my age and older say that they regret having had sex and that they wish they had waited, and I don’t want to make the same mistake.”—Vera.
  • “I’ve seen so many people with emotional scars and baggage because of losing their virginity or having multiple partners. In my opinion, that’s a sad way to live.”—Deanne.

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