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Why Do We Want To Live Forever?

Posted by : Unknown on : Saturday, August 17, 2013 0 comments
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Why Do We Want to Live Forever?
For thousands of years, thinking people have wrestled with that question. Is there a logical, satisfying explanation—one that  harmonizes with both our physical makeup and our natural desire to live forever? Millions of people would answer with a resounding yes! Why? In the Bible, they have found the most satisfying answers about human nature.
From the outset, the Bible plainly states that humans, while having some things in common with other creatures, are fundamentally different. For example, at Genesis 1:27, we read that God created humans in his image. How so? He gave us the capacity to display love, justice, and wisdom. And as the One who lives forever, God implanted in us the desire to live forever. He “planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds,” says Ecclesiastes 3:11.—The Amplified Bible.
Physical evidence that humans were originally designed to live much longer than we do can be seen in the power of the brain, especially in its potential to learn. The Encyclopedia of the Brain and Brain Disorders states that the long-term memory capacity of the human brain “is virtually unlimited.” Why have this capacity if it were not meant to be used? Yes, in fundamental ways, humans reflect God’s original purpose for mankind. Then why do we grow old, suffer, and die?
 Why We Grow Old and Die
The first man and woman had perfect bodies along with free will. Sadly, they misused that free will by rebelling against their Maker. * (Genesis 2:16, 17; 3:6-11) Their disobedience, or sin, caused them to have profound guilt and shame. It also resulted in damage to their bodies, triggering a slow, inexorable descent toward death. “The sting producing death is sin,” states 1 Corinthians 15:56.
In line with the physical laws of inheritance, all of Adam and Eve’s descendants acquired imperfection and the inclination to sin, or do what is wrong. Says Romans 5:12: “Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned.”
What can we conclude from the foregoing? This: The secret to endless life will never be found in a laboratory. Only God can undo the damage caused by sin. But will he? The Bible answers with another resounding yes!
“He Will . . . Swallow Up Death Forever”
God has already taken a major step toward removing sin and death. He sent Jesus Christ to give his life in our behalf. How can Jesus’ death help us? Jesus was born perfect and “committed no sin.” (1 Peter 2:22) Hence, he was entitled to endless, perfect life as a human. What did he do with his perfect life? He willingly gave it up to pay for our sins. Yes, Jesus gave his life “a ransom in exchange for many.” (Matthew 20:28) Soon, that ransom will be fully applied in our behalf. What can that mean for you? Consider these scriptures:
·         “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”John 3:16.
·         “He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces.”—Isaiah 25:8.
·         “As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing.”1 Corinthians 15:26.
·         “The tent of God is with mankind . . . And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more.”Revelation 21:3, 4.
How long can you live? The Bible’s answer is clear: Humans can have the hope of living forever—a hope that will be fulfilled after God cleanses the earth of all badness. (Psalm 37:28, 29) Jesus had that precious hope in mind when he said to a man impaled next to him: “You will be with me in Paradise.”—Luke 23:43.
Yes, the human desire to live forever is both reasonable and natural. God made us that way! Moreover, he will satisfy that desire. (Psalm 145:16) We must do our part, however. For instance, we need to build faith in God. “Without faith it is impossible to please [God] well, for he that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him,” says Hebrews 11:6. Such faith is not credulity but is an intelligent conviction based on accurate Bible knowledge. (Hebrews 11:1)

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