Scripture tells us that unless the Lord builds the house, they who build it labor in vain. In other words, our own plans, our own ways apart from God will crumble. But when you do things God's way according to His Word, that's when your building will be secure.
- Creative CommonsI want God to build my house, don't you? I want Him to be the center of my family. It starts by taking the promises in the Bible, getting hold of them, and believing them and applying them to every area of life. The Bible tells us that the promises are for you and your family. His promises are for all of your relationships. But, you have to grab hold of them by faith and put them into practice. If we don't know His Word, how can we know His plan?
You might be thinking, "Well, I go to church but my husband doesn't." Or, "My child is away from God right now." Well, I have good news for you. It says in Acts 2:39 that "the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off." Are some people in your family "far off?" Are there some dreams for your family that are "far off?" God says there is nothing far off that His word can't bring close. This is where we have to trust that God is at work even when we can't see it. Our hands may be tied, but His hands are never tied!
I'm telling you—your declaration of faith can turn things around. Where there is darkness, there can be light. Where you can't see, you can begin to see. God told the children of Israel, "I'm going to take you out of captivity and lead you into the Promised Land." Do you know what they had to do? They had to take hold of the promise by faith. When they grumbled and complained and built their own shrines, it was vain and got them nowhere. But when they declared God's words, when they agreed with His promises, that's when He "built their house," and they entered into the Promised Land.
If you've been building your own house by grumbling and complaining or trying things in your own strength, today is the day to let all of that go. Choose to speak words of faith over your home and your relationships. Pray for your family. Trust that He is working behind the scenes. Let God build your house because when He builds it, nothing will be able to tear it down!
"Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain."… (Psalm 127:1, NIV)
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