Akizungumza na mtandao huu Kijana Yohana alisema lilikua shindano lenye ushindani mkubwa ambalo lilihitimishwa kwa kongamano kubwa ambalo lilifanyika mwishoni mwa wiki huko nchini Australia na kuhudhuriwa na viongozi mbalimbali duniani
Washiriki wengine walioingia fainali ni;
1.Swanm Maillard (26) Ufaransa
2. Cale Davis (22) Australia
3.Norman Randina (25) Phillipines
4.Chintan Ricci (25) Indonesia
5.Ahmad Jubair (19) Bangladesh
Pichani juu mshindi huyo akionyesha logo yake aliyoshinda kwenye kongamano hilo ambalo lilihudhuriwa na watu zaidi ya 40,000
Wageni mbalimbali waliohudhuria kongamano hilo wakiwa wamesimama wakati kijana Yohana Haule akitambulishwa kwenye mkutano huo
Kijana wa Kitanzania Yohana Haule akihutubia kwenye kongamano hilo nchini Australia
Mshindi wa nembo ya ukimwi duniani Yohana Haule akiwa nyumbani kwa dada wa rafiki yake jana usiku alipofika kuwatembele na kuwasalimia mara baada ya kurudi toka nchini Australia
Kutoka kushoto ni Richard Regis (rafiki yake na Yohana), Yohana katikati na kulia ni dada yake rafiki yake Yohana Lilian Kichila wakiwa kwenye picha ya pamoja nyumbani kwao Mwenge Dsm
Kutoka kushoto ni bwana Tumaini Kichila akiwa amempakata mwanae Evelyn Kichila, Yohana Haule,Lilian Kichila na ndugu mwingine wakiwa kwenye picha ya pamoja jana usiku
Ifuatayo ni taarifa toka kwenye mkutano huo ikihusu shindano hilo
Conference Logo Design Competition
Winning Concept
Design Concept: The footprint is an image used by the aboriginal Australians. The footprints are symbolic of the steps forward being made in advancing the scientific, medical and social understanding of HIV and AIDS.
Selection: Conference organizers selected Yohana's logo for the creativity demonstrated and the concept behind the design. The human footprints symbolize the steps forward being made in advancing the scientific, medical and social understanding of HIV and AIDS.
In addition, every footprint illustrates the individual journeys many people have to make once living with HIV. Although these journeys are individual, the logo also depicts a collective journey by all to overcome the HIV epidemic. The different sized footprints also represent the fact that people of all ages are affected by HIV. With this in mind, we are all heading towards the same purpose: to end of the HIV epidemic, and nobody must be left behind."
Runners Up
Participant: Swann Maillard, 26, France
Design Concept: The M is the symbol of the city council logo and is easily associated with Melbourne. The blue/green colour is for the Yarra River which runs through the city.
Participant: Cale Davis, 22, Australia
Design Concept: The triangular elements are reflective of federation square, triangles are strong and so signify strength of unified AIDS community.
Participant: Norman Rondina, 25, Philippines
Design Concept: The ribbon is covered in contemporary aboriginal art characterized by sets of dots. The ripple patterns represent different sectors in our community joined together by the IAS represented by the bands connecting the ripple patterns.
Participant: Norman Rondina, 25, Philippines
Design Concept: Inspired by Aboriginal stone arrangements. Each rock represents all the advocates; people living with HIV, researchers and others in building a solid foundation geared to eliminate the epidemic of AIDS. This is resting on Uluru represented by the red ground.
Participant: Chintami Ricci, 25, Indonesia
Design Concept: The modern geometric shape symbolizes Melbourne's Federation square, and everyone involved in the AIDS response being interconnected. The AIDS ribbon can adjust to the building's shape.
Participant: Ahmad Jubair, 19, Bangladesh
Design Concept: The boomerang is an emblem of Australia, while the red and yellow dots represent equal participation, as well as the huge and diverse population of the Asia-Pacific. Together they make the ribbon.
Melbourne will host the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014) in July 2014. The conference is organized by the International AIDS Society (IAS) in partnership with a number of international bodies and local partners.
AIDS 2014 is expected to convene close to 18,000 delegates from nearly 200 countries, including 1,200 journalists. The biennial International AIDS Conference is the premier gathering for those working in the field of HIV, as well as policymakers, people living with HIV and others committed to ending the epidemic.
AIDS 2014 will also focus on the Asia Pacific region which has the largest geographic area and population in the world, dramatically varying levels of wealth, and mix of different cultures. Part of the conference is the global village and youth programme aimed at strengthening the participation of affected communities and young people at AIDS 2014.
Prize for the designer of the chosen logo
The designer of the winning logo will be invited to attend the conference in Melbourne, Australia, with an accompanying person.
A formal presentation to recognize the winner will take place at the conference.
Economy flights, attendance fee and accommodation will be paid for both the winner and the accompanying person.
Artwork Considerations
- The logo concept should be reflective of the 2014 conference destination, Melbourne, AND/OR Australia, AND/OR the Asia Pacific region
- It should incorporate the well known ‘AIDS ribbon’
- It should reflect the conference principles of inclusiveness, participation and gender equality
- It should be conceptual rather than literal
- The logo should include:
- The abbreviated name of the conference “AIDS 2014”, the words “20th International AIDS Conference”, and “Melbourne, Australia” as well as the date (20-25 July 2014);
- The logo should in no way include elements of the International AIDS Society or any of the local or international partner logos. In addition, it should not be visually similar to previous conference logos (see below the most recent examples).
- The logo concept should work well on white and coloured backgrounds and be easily adaptable for use on the website and in social media platforms, as well as for animation purposes. For that reason, we suggest the logo should work in a squared box (e.g., the Facebook or Twitter picture box), in both a portrait and landscape format and that should have a maximum of 2 colours.
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